... of CERB “Solar”. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Scientific and Technical Union of Power Engineers in Bulgaria (STUPE).
Power The - Новини
Several villages in the district of Gabrovo have been without
...... still villages without electricity, according to the mayor of Voneshta Voda village.Последвайте ни във и Вече може да ни гледате и в Намерете ни в
Сезон 2 на Властелинът на пръстените Пръстените на властта на
...... следващите седем епизода, може просто да получим вълнуващото шоу „Властелинът на пръстените“, за което Безос винаги си е фантазирал. Отидете на преките пътища за достъпност
BGN 1 billion per year – that’s how much the
...... come from, and whether it will once again be paid from the taxes of all Bulgarian citizens! Are the days of the grey tourism sector over?
A repair project for the second largest power plant in
...... the last 20 years, he has implemented projects mainly outside Bulgaria - in Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.
For the sixteenth year in a row AES Galabovo CHP
...... Europe - TPP AES Galabovo and is the majority owner and operator of the largest wind farm in the country - "St. Nikola", near Kavarna.
Several investment projects of ERP North in the Ruse region
...... in the villa and suburban areas of the larger cities, where a permanent trend of increased electricity consumption has been observed in recent years.
The State Electricity System Operator ESO has notified ERM Zapad
...... their duration, as well as whether a specific address falls within their scope, can be found on the ERM West website, in the Outages section.
On July 8 at 9 07 a m the sixth power unit
...... the loading of the block is carried out in stages. The fifth unit of the Kozloduy NPP operates according to the electricity production schedule.
United Energy Group UEG a Hong Kong based oil and gas
...... issued by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (DKER) so far, it was going to be the largest such in Bulgaria.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
Вашият браузър не поддържа възпроизвеждане на този файл но все
...... е изпълнителен продуцент на FT. Глобалният ръководител на аудиото на FT е Черил Бръмли. Специални благодарности на Пиер Никълсън. КРЕДИТ: UAWВижте нашето ръководство за достъпност.
Кирстен Дънст се завръща на големия екран за първи път
...... беше образователна. Тя би имала идея за сцена, която не само да помогне с драмата, но и да я направи по-лесна за постигане“, добави той.
BOSTON AP — Vineyard Wind the wind farm under construction
...... farm, South Fork Wind, 35 miles (56 kilometers) east of Montauk Point, New York. Now, a total of five turbines have been installed there too.
I want to reassure all fishermen and the tourism business
...... from "Vazrazhdane" met with representatives of the fishing industry. At a briefing, MP Kosta Stoyanov described the bill as "lobbyist" and insisted on its withdrawal.
Опитайте това Помолете някой когото познавате да дефинира сладък Не
...... сила на очевидно безсилни неща, разглеждайки фантазии, които привлекателността позволява и създава, и ни карат да се замислим как и защо е наситила нашия свят.somersethouse.org.uk.
The South Korean Hyundai Engineering plus the U S Fluor and
...... Nikolov.According to him, 5-10 thousand people will be directly involved in the construction of Units 7 and 8 of Kozloduy NPP.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
I will not download the site plans Their withdrawal means
...... Minister expressed readiness for the government plane to make a third flight to Tel Aviv, if there are enough compatriots who wish to return home.
Territorial plans will have an impact on the whole of
...... are only used for political chewing gum by people who don`t care at all what happens to people", he also believes the former energy minister.
With 120 votes for 46 against and one abstention the
...... occasion, the deputies voted and adopted with 17 votes "for" and "3" against" coal-fired power plants to be produced at least until December 31, 2038.
Negotiations with the EU are in no way related to
...... in this case coal workers, and they join them, igniting them.” According to him, any public dissatisfaction should be at the center of the government’s work.
Today on September 29 the Government adopted the Just Transition
...... with open procedures where investors can apply. There is no way to negotiate directly with companies, because European rules do not allow it," he specified.
Former Minister of Energy and current deputy from GERB Temenuzka
...... Sustainability Plan with the EC, would take such a single-minded approach in this process and take such a decision, GERB deputy Temenuzka Petkova expressed bewilderment.
The leadership of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency NRA held a
...... of the export of technology by the American company, and more precisely on the conclusion of the so-called Agreement 13, which governs the entire process.
Greece has expressed interest in two energy projects in Bulgaria
...... Bulgarian firefighters are working in the field with eight fire engines and three vehicles for managing forces and resources. They are located at Thessaloniki Airport.
The sale of the equipment is not the end of
...... emphasized. This equipment should be used completely it is possible to use it for parts in the Ukrainian nuclear power industry, Hristov also pointed out.
I don’t know where President Radev draws these conclusions from
...... the total percentage of subsidy and expenditure related to the municipalities has increased by over 24%. There are priorities and quite serious increases in places.”
The further large scale penetration of renewable energy sources RES in
...... form of green hydrogen, according to ESA, the only option for green hydrogen production in our region is through renewable energy sources and nuclear plants.
George Velev In Bulgaria and Europe we have almost all
...... projects, everyone must comply with the high standards and requirements for nuclear safety. Regardless of whether they are Eastern or Western companies," Manchev was categorical.
Raya Lecheva Applications are being opened today for municipalities under
...... phenomena, the beneficiary of which will be the General Directorate of Fire Safety and Protection of the population. They are expected to launch in May-June.
За The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power
...... 2012 г. Тогава на снимачната площадка на сериала на HBO Luck загинаха три коня. Нещо, което доведе до прекратяването на сериала след първия му сезон.
The year 2023 for the Bulgarian energy industry began with
...... we conclude with the idea of building farms in space for the extraction of solar energy to support the fight against climate change on Earth.
Five plants associated with the consultant Hristo Kovachki have saved
...... Brown to Green — From Brown to Green”. But the predominance of data on undeclared greenhouse emissions and carbon allowances speaks of quite different intentions.
Докато Amazon Prime се бори с негативните ревюта на новия
...... той се пошегува, че ще изпрати на Безос сребърен медал и голяма статуя на цифрата 2, за да му покаже на кое място се намира.
Британските таблоиди разкриха тайното посещение на кралското семейство на снимачната
...... от сагата, сподели именно това в интервю: „Той наистина знае всичко за Средната земя и това е впечатляващо.“ Кейт Мидълтън предизвика принц Уилям с коктейл
At a solemn ceremony on February 13 at 1 p m
...... building an industrial park around the Headquarters. We can offer everything to the people who will come to our industrial park!" concluded engineer Lubomir Spasov.
According to the decision the Council of Ministers through the
...... country`s participation in a plant for the construction of modules with a certain percentage, following the example of participation in the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis.
The Ministry of Energy is working on models for the
...... is technically scientific and not politically based on some economic interests. From this comes the opportunity, without giving up on the set goals," he added.
At 5 21 p m on November 5 Unit Six of the
...... technological regulation, until full capacity is reached. The other power unit of the Kozloduy NPP - the fifth - continues to operate according to schedule.
Дайте сила на тялото си с Body Power и се
...... поддържане на форма. ☑️ Оптимално развитие на мускулатурата и ускорен метаболизъм. ☑️ Поддържането на темпото в комбинация с повишен енергоразход влияе върху изгарянето на излишните мазнини. Повече на
On the initiative of the Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov
...... the Ministry of Energy and its experts, was discussed. Its successful implementation will be important for reducing carbon emissions and achieving real decarbonization by companies.
Докато Amazon Prime се бори с негативните ревюта на новия
...... той се пошегува, че ще изпрати на Безос сребърен медал и голяма статуя на цифрата 2, за да му покаже на кое място се намира.
Докато Amazon Prime се бори с негативните ревюта на новия
...... той се пошегува, че ще изпрати на Безос сребърен медал и голяма статуя на цифрата 2, за да му покаже на кое място се намира.
The Council of Ministers approved a targeted contribution by Bulgarian
...... implementation of investments and repairs without VAT, guaranteeing the long-term operation of the production facilities and ensuring an economically justified rate of return on capital.
Още преди няколко месеца знаехме че през септември ще се
...... е истинско. Но това не е подход, използван само за The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, а за всичките им филми и сериали.
Пресъздаването на история която е любима на милиони носи сериозни
...... ни", казва Гънър и добавя, че докато някои са нарекли сериала невероятен, забележителен и супер красив, други не са били толкова убедени в качествата му.
Ако искате да добиете представа колко много Amazon разчита на
...... "екшън филми за младежи".Кристофър неведнъж е изразявал отвращението си от комерсиализацията на баща му, който е бил насилствено превърнат в "чудовище, погълнато от своята популярност".
In the last year the pressure of rising prices on
...... become a luxury that we will not be able to take advantage of at any time, as we are used to," said Eng. Hristin Iliev.
George Velev European companies turning to coal as an alternative
...... Russia cuts off gas, even if you`re in the Green Party, you have to accept that expanding coal capacity is a pragmatic response," he says.
Още когато сериалът по предисторията на Властелинът на пръстените беше
...... тийзъра по-скоро им напомня Game of Thrones. Каква е истината ще научим след 2 септември, когато излиза първият епизод от сериала The Rings of Power.
The number of coal fired power plants under development around the
...... covered by a possible phasing-out date or carbon neutrality target. But too few are planned to retire in time to keep the world within 1.5C.