Пожарите в Амазония вече не са само проблем на Бразилия,

Пожарите в Амазония вече не са само проблем на Бразилия,
Коментари Харесай

Пожарите в Амазония вече са световен проблем

Пожарите в Амазония към този момент не са единствено проблем на Бразилия, разяснява изданието qz.com.

Джунглите в сърцето на Латинска Америка са белите дробове на планетата. Горите поемат въглеродния диоксид и парниковите газове. Ето за какво опазването на това естествено благосъстояние или загубата му ще бъде повратна точка в битката против климатичните промени в целия свят.

Този ъгъл от планетата е Раят на Земята за биологичното многообразие, само че и той не е предпазен от огнената буря. Горите в Бразилия също са дом на стотици хиляди индианци, а тези хора разчитат на джунглите за своето съществувание.

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#Regram #RG @IamNickRose: Terrifying to think that the Amazon is the largest rain forest on the planet, creating 20% of the earth’s oxygen, basically the lungs of the world, has been on fire and burning for the last 16 days running, with literally NO media coverage whatsoever! Why?

A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Aug 21, 2019 at 12:11pm PDT

Изданието също уточни, че главната причина за пагубните пожари са били хората. "Стотици дървосекачи, земеделци и животновъди изсичат и палят дървета, с цел да освободят площи и да имат прехранване ", написа още медията от Съединени американски щати.

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: The lungs of the Earth are in flames. The Brazilian Amazon—home to 1 million Indigenous people and 3 million species—has been burning for more than two weeks straight. There have been 74,000 fires in the Brazilian Amazon since the beginning of this year—a staggering 84% increase over the same period last year (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil). Scientists and conservationists attribute the accelerating deforestation to President Jair Bolsonaro, who issued an open invitation to loggers and farmers to clear the land after taking office in January.⁣ ⁣ The largest rainforest in the world is a critical piece of the global climate solution. Without the Amazon, we cannot keep the Earth’s warming in check. ⁣ ⁣ The Amazon needs more than our prayers. So what can YOU do?⁣ ⁣ As an emergency response, donate to frontline Amazon groups working to defend the forest. ⁣ Consider becoming a regular supporter of the Rainforest Alliance’s community forestry initiatives across the world’s most vulnerable tropical forests, including the Amazon; this approach is by far the most effective defense against deforestation and natural forest fires, but it requires deep, long-term collaboration between the communities and the public and private sectors. Stay on top of this story and keep sharing posts, tagging news agencies and influencers. ⁣ Be a conscious consumer, taking care to support companies committed to responsible supply chains.⁣ Eliminate or reduce consumption of beef; cattle ranching is one of the primary drivers of Amazon deforestation. When election time comes, VOTE for leaders who understand the urgency of our climate crisis and are willing to take bold action—including strong governance and forward-thinking policy.⁣ ⁣ #RainforestAlliance #SaveTheAmazon #PrayForAmazonia #AmazonRainforest #ActOnClimate #ForestsResist #ClimateCrisis: @mohsinkazmitakespictures / Windy.com

A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Aug 22, 2019 at 7:12am PDT

Както към този момент писахме, в отбрана на белите дробове на Земята са се изказали френският президент Еманюел Макрон, артистът Леонардо ди Каприо и кралицата на попмузиката Мадона.

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The Fires Are Raging and The Amazonia continues to burn.........This is a devastation to Brazil—to the indigenous people who live there and the-plant and animal species that make this the most important bio-diverse Forest!!! President Bolsonaro please change your policies and help not only your country but the entire planet. No economic development is more important than protecting this land. we need to WAKE -UP!! The future of the rainforest affects the future of the world! #prayforamazonia #amazonrainforest #brazil #wakeup

A post shared by Madonna (@madonna) on Aug 22, 2019 at 12:35pm PDT

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Notre maison brûle. Littéralement. L’Amazonie, le poumon de notre planète qui produit 20% de notre oxygène, est en feu. C’est une crise internationale. Membres du G7, rendez-vous dans deux jours pour parler de cette urgence. Our house is burning. Literally. The Amazon rain forest - the lungs which produces 20% of our planet’s oxygen - is on fire. It is an international crisis. Members of the G7 Summit, let's discuss this emergency first order in two days! #ActForTheAmazon Photo: Loren McIntyre

A post shared by Emmanuel Macron (@emmanuelmacron) on Aug 22, 2019 at 12:12pm PDT

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