Operation - Новини

The management of ESO welcomed the Minister of Energy Rumen

The management of ESO welcomed the Minister of Energy Rumen


... transition will guarantee the operation of modern dispatchable power generation capacities, which are a basic element of the critical energy infrastructure and national energy security.

To build a photovoltaic park in just 9 months and

To build a photovoltaic park in just 9 months and


... efficient technologies at the moment. This will increase the profitability of the solar park located on the slope of the mountain of the same name.

The President of the EC and a number of heads

The President of the EC and a number of heads


... sources to a number of countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, with the possibility of supplies including to Moldova and Ukraine.

We are not dependent on Russian engineering 100 of

We are not dependent on Russian engineering 100 of


... that we would get a derogation, what should we get a derogation from? We do not represent any significant contribution," added the chairman of Bulatom.

ClarkСтокхолмският синдром е психологически феномен при който заложникът се привързва

ClarkСтокхолмският синдром е психологически феномен при който заложникът се привързва


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