Meeting - Новини

At 18 00 tomorrow in the large hall of the People’s

At 18 00 tomorrow in the large hall of the People’s


... be attended by the mayors of Pomorie Ivan Alexiev and of Kableshkovo Ivaylo Ivanov. Eco-inspectors protest in Burgas: We work hard, but we receive humiliating salaries!

Още един млад талантлив творец прекрачва прага на Галерия A G

Още един млад талантлив творец прекрачва прага на Галерия A G


... скулптура, Арт център “Вихрони”, Долно Камарци 2016 “В духа на Майстора”, ХГ “Владимир Димитров - Майстора”, Кюстендил 2015 Дипломна изложба, “Дом”, инсталация, галерия Гънд, Гамбиер, Охайо, САЩ

On April 15 16 Sofia hosted the third meeting of the

On April 15 16 Sofia hosted the third meeting of the


... for the fall of 2024 in Madrid.Stay updated on the project`s progress by following our social media channels.Twitter account: Facebook page: LinkedIn Group: Newsletter: 

With a series of scandals a lack of hearings and

With a series of scandals a lack of hearings and


... According to him, the possible investments in offshore wind in our country amount to about 22 billion euros, which could create 27,000 work places.  

By working together we can make the transition as smooth

By working together we can make the transition as smooth


... Minister Nenov announced that these discussions are related to increasing the ambition related to low-emission capacities to be put into operation in the foreseeable future.

Our goal is to develop a fair and more efficient

Our goal is to develop a fair and more efficient


... group. In the next week, the employers` organizations are expected to send concrete proposals to be discussed at the next meeting of the working group.

Raya Lecheva A green area of ​​22 500 square meters is

Raya Lecheva A green area of ​​22 500 square meters is


... the President`s Administration, Ognyan Stefanov - official operator in the President`s Administration, Ognyan Shalamanov - personal physician of the President as well as security guards.

The energy security of Bulgaria and the region was the

The energy security of Bulgaria and the region was the


... Prime Minister Galab Donev expressed confidence that the strategic partnership between Bulgaria and the USA will continue to develop in all spheres of mutual interest.

The energy map of our region needs to be redrawn

The energy map of our region needs to be redrawn


... address global energy security, and there are concrete steps. We need to talk and work together to promote cooperation, to overcome these problems, Popescu said.

We propose that over BGN 600 million which is about

We propose that over BGN 600 million which is about


... village of Yana, Prime Minister Petkov boarded a truck, which together with representatives of the Association headed to a section of the road near Vitinya.