Холивудската звезда Селена Гомес тайно посети столичен ромски квартал. Невероятната

Холивудската звезда Селена Гомес тайно посети столичен ромски квартал. Невероятната
Коментари Харесай

Защо звездата Селена Гомес посети тайно ромска махала в България?

Холивудската звезда Селена Гомес скрито посети столичен ромски квартал. Невероятната на пръв взор вест се оказа истина. Американската актриса е била тайно в страната ни за 24 часа. Екип на „ Събуди се” потегли по следите й, с цел да разбере кой докара Селена Гомес в България и за какво всичко толкоз скрито.

За секретната аудиенция в България международната звезда се похвали сама в обществени мрежи. Тя била впечатлена от това, което видяла у нас.

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Alright. Speaking from my heart for over an hour to someone who puts those thoughts into paid words can be hard for me. The older I get the more I want my voice to be mine. This is all apart of my work within an industry that’s been around longer than all of us have been. The purpose of my interview was three fold. My work with A21, my new collection with Coach, and some new music. As I’m aware there will always be interests in one’s personal life because that’s the pace of our ‘social’ generation. I’m grateful for my position and I will always find ways to make my job more about others and giving back— all while having the best time with my music, fashion, film and my love for learning about the world that I’m eager to tap into more and more. Church is a name for something far more personal. There’s always agenda seeking information on such a subject and I understand why. Rarely do I mention church (and I didn’t) but I’ll always feel comfortable talking about my values and beliefs. I respect that from everyone and anyone. I understand that reporters are working to grab the attention of a reader, however I will always work to ensure that what is public represents my truth. I’m a bit bummed but rarely surprised. Y’all know me and my heart. I can’t help it. So I’ll post some of MY photos from the collection and work with A21. My heart. And maybe edit my actual lyrics as you will all hear it soon
Източник: edna.bg

