While Vassil Bozhkov, former gambling mogul - turned fugitive in

While Vassil Bozhkov, former gambling mogul - turned fugitive in
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PM Boyko Borissov holds press conference to address leaked disturbing photos and tapes

While Vassil Bozhkov, former gambling mogul - turned fugitive in the UAE – continues to accuse high ranking officials and specifically PM Boyko Borissov of racketeering tens of millions of him over the years, two alarming files leaked to the public. One was a tape on which a voice, indistinguishable from the PM’s, could be heard. The other – photos of the PM sleeping in his bedroom, a gun on his nightstand. Separate close ups of said nightstand show the drawers full with 500-euro bills.

Before discussing any content, an obvious and quite disturbing question pops up. If these are authentic, how is the PM – one of the most guarded statesmen in the country – so easily susceptible to violations of his privacy? Maybe he himself is wondering something along those lines – hence the gun by his bed. Which itself is just as disturbing.

If the materials are manipulated – which the PM claims is true for most of them – another set of red alerts set off. Who made them, and why? The content of the tapes especially is highly damaging to the institution of the prime minister, and are not – as the PM tries to play it – a personal attack against a private citizen from unnamed enemies. Lastly – in terms of form at least – regardless of their authenticity, the style of the attack screams ‘threat’. So, who is threatening the PM in such a mob-Hollywood stylistic?

Well, at first – regarding the tapes - the PM said he wouldn’t file for an investigation, as there is ‘no bad publicity’, as he put it. Which raises yet another question: if the tapes are faked, as the PM claims, he wouldn’t want this gross manipulation and attack – against him personally and professionally – to be uncovered? Or does he know who it is? Or the tapes are authentic?

Of course, investigating such an instance – both as an attempt against the PM and the possibility that the tapes are authentic and he did say what he did – is not up to the PM. The Prosecutor’s Office caught up to this fact as well, although almost a full week later and an investigation of some kind is looking into the tapes.
Източник: mediapool.bg

