The civil association Bulgaria United with One Goal“ /BOEC/ organized

The civil association Bulgaria United with One Goal“ /BOEC/ organized
Коментари Харесай

BOEC organizes the protest „Out Kalin Stoyanov and Peevski of the Interior Ministry!“

The civil association „ Bulgaria United with One Goal “ /BOEC/ organized a protest under the slogan „ Out Kalin Stoyanov and Peevski of the Interior Ministry! “. The protest is set to start at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in front of the Ministry of Interior building.

„ On Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m., BOEC and determined citizens will gather in front of the Interior Ministry with one demand and goal – out Kalin Stoyanov and Peevski from the Interior Ministry! In order to have fair elections, they should not be made by Kalin Stoyanov, Peevski and the mafia. On Wednesday BOEC will present concrete evidence and reports against Kalin Stoyanov for crimes committed and opening an umbrella over the schemes of MRF and GERB to buy votes! We call on all citizens, political parties and civil organizations for support and joint action to fight back and have a chance for fair and free elections! “, the organizers said on Фейсбук.

Leader of the „ Edinenie “ party, Ivan Hristanov , expressed his support for the protest and called out on social media:

„ Out the ladybug and the pig of the Ministry of Interior!!! “

Dear friends, we are fighting against the appointments of people like Kalin Stoyanov in the Ministry of Interior. They turn honorable police officers into their instruments of violence, harassment, corruption, fraud, and service to the oligarchy.

As a result of our efforts, another such individual has been exposed and rendered unnecessary. Radev has already disavowed him, and Borisov has followed suit. Another victory!

The fight for Bulgaria’s freedom continues.

Join the protest to show our civic stance against those who plunder our homeland.

The event tomorrow is organized by BOEC. – Bulgaria United with One Goal, the people who have been fighting the mafia and corruption for 10 years. They have done the impossible to shed light on Kalin Stoyanov. For us at “Edinenie ”, mutual support in the battles for Bulgaria is an unconditional duty. We are obligated not only to ourselves or BOEC, but especially to Bulgaria. Join the protest! For Bulgaria! “

Elections on October 20 cancelled by Rumen Radev: There will be no „ Kozhareva “ cabinet


