... - from 4.897 to 4.879 leva per cubic meter, and for those of Haskovo - by 5.7% (from 5.316 to 5.014 leva per cubic meter).
Supply - Новини
New distribution and supply prices for Overgas Networks customers come
...... accounting of natural gas; - Price for natural gas supply – covers the costs of the licensed company for collecting and invoicing natural gas.
There are no settlements in the Kyustendil municipality without electricity
...... in the villages of Chudintsi and Dolno Uyno is also now working.Последвайте ни във и Вече може да ни гледате и в Намерете ни в
Leader of the political party Vazrazhdane Kostadin Kostadinov commented on
...... party supported the people, except for „Vazrazhdane“. I leave the conclusions to you.“ The government proposes to Parliament an act on the state’s revenues and expenditures!
Tнещата не трябваше да вървят по този начин Лекарствената компания
...... желателни за някои пациенти; други може да не са. Неотдавнашната смърт на актьора Матю Пери от острите ефекти на кетамин, седативен анестетик с психеделична опора
The different options for financing a sustainable business and its
...... Development (EBRD) office in Bulgaria, Manuela Nelli, and the director of strategic, credit and integrated risk at UniCredit Bulbank, Stefan Ivanov.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
Ten international companies submitted binding offers within the tender announced
...... successful completion of all three tenders guarantees safe and affordable supplies of natural gas for Bulgarian domestic and industrial consumers for the current autumn-winter season.
19 international companies expressed interest in participating in the tender
...... total of 13 international companies took part. Bulgargaz expects the increased interest to lead to competitive prices for the company`s customers during the winter period.
OMV Petrom the largest integrated energy producer in South Eastern Europe
...... Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) on the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. OMV Petrom reports annually on the progress made in implementing these recommendations.
13 international companies showed interest in the tender announced by
...... January - February 2025 continues, and in the middle of November it is expected that a supplier will be selected for these cargoes as well.
At today s meeting the Council of Ministers allowed a derogation
...... country. It provides over 1/3 of the national electricity production. Trouble-free and stable operation of the plant is a matter of energy and national security.
Several investment projects of ERP North in the Ruse region
...... in the villa and suburban areas of the larger cities, where a permanent trend of increased electricity consumption has been observed in recent years.
НЮ ЙОРК AP — Националната асоциация на черните фермери призова
...... 26 юни - един ден преди обявяването на Tractor Supply за нейните DEI и климатични цели - че не е сред избраните групи, каза той.
НЮ ЙОРК AP — Tractor Supply прекратява набор от усилия
...... купувачи, фермери, ветерани и студенти по селско стопанство“, каза Блум. „Поддаването на крайнодесни екстремисти само ще навреди на същите хора, на които разчитат тези фирми.“
The State Electricity System Operator ESO has notified ERM Zapad
...... their duration, as well as whether a specific address falls within their scope, can be found on the ERM West website, in the Outages section.
At an extraordinary meeting held on 20 06 2024 the Bulgarian Natural
...... are 2 million tons less per year. Some of the largest natural gas traders are already members of the association, including and large international companies.
Minister Malinov spoke with US Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey
...... meeting of Vladimir Malinov and German Galushchenko. We remind you that the verification of the suitability and storage of the equipment has been successfully completed.
As expected the Bulgarian Acting Minister of Energy Vladimir Malinov
...... if the company is included in the specified quota, its corresponding costs will be compensated by the Power Grid Security Fund.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
Security of energy supply and preparations for the next winter
...... Minister Radev. He expressed a position that European efforts should be focused on this region, including by providing the necessary financial support from the EU.
The European Commission has announced that it is launching its
...... determination to preserve the integrity of the internal market so that recipients of foreign subsidies cannot benefit from an unfair advantage to win public procurement.
Weird This is how the various decisions of the parliament
...... another type of economy. It was subsequently explained that it was precisely the "basket of products" that protected the vertically integrated companies in this sector.
A memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of
...... importance of the Southern Gas Corridor will continue to grow and further actions are needed to increase the capacity for natural gas transmission through Bulgaria.
Europe managed to do well in the previous mild winter
...... Increasing signs that the Chinese economy is becoming increasingly difficult would push the prices of both gas and oil down, Kostanza Rangelova also pointed out.
In implementation of the repair program of Bulgartransgaz EAD in
...... gas for "Overgas Networks", "Sofia Heating" and all end users of natural gas in the territory of Sofia and Pernik earlier than the scheduled time.
The contract with the Turkish company Botash contains quite serious
...... on July 6 he again answered questions on the social network on the occasion of the end of the first month of the government`s work.
The leading producer of lead and zinc in South Eastern Europe
...... of partnerships that give impetus to the energy transition by developing renewable energy projects with a positive impact on the environment and society," added Gazdov.
In connection with media publications about high bills of subscribers
...... the results of the inspection. We remind you that a day ago the ombudsman requested an inspection of the company because of the high bills.
The Commission for Energy and Water Regulation CEWR the Commission
...... between the owners and operators of the water supply infrastructure. This will allow the respective responsibilities to be distinguished and their functions not to overlap.
Bulgartransgaz EAD and COCA YU JES DRILLING CHIREN will sign
...... Rosen Hristov, representatives of the project contractor, international companies from the United States of America and Kazakhstan, as well as the Mining and Geological University.
Комисията за енергийно и водно регулиране КЕВР е глобила търговеца
...... и интегритет на пазара на едро на енергия в България.“За подобни разследвания и манипулации Комисията си съдейства с Агенцията за сътрудничество на енергийните регулатори (АСРЕ).
Maintaining energy security requires effective cooperation with reliable suppliers to
...... our key role in the sustainable and secure energy supply for the region, contributing to the green transition and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
A draft decision approving an agreement between Bulgargaz EAD and
...... suppliers and in every tender that we announce, there is an express requirement that there be no Russian companies and no Russian gas, he added.
Kozloduy NPP and Framatom initiated the agreement for the supply
...... Elenko Bozhkov specified, currently the fifth unit of the plant can operate with Russian nuclear fuel until 2024, and the sixth unit - until 2027.
The negotiations that the Bulgarian side is conducting with Turkey
...... gas from the LMG terminal in Alexandroupolis, since there "we have capital costs =. "For us, the main thing is security of supply," he emphasized.
On December 22 a contract will be signed between Kozloduy
...... says. The contract will be signed by Georgi Kirkov - executive director of Kozloduy NPP, and Aziz Dag - managing director of Westinghouse Electric Sweden.
The decision of the Council of Ministers of July 13
...... producers for VVER-1000 type reactors to participate in the process of diversifying the supply of fresh nuclear fuel for the Kozloduy NPP without compromising safety.
As a result of the conducted transparent and competitive tender
...... prices were achieved, which will be reflected in the price of natural gas proposed by "Bulgargaz" for the month of November, the announcement also states.
Bulgargaz has launched short term and long term tenders for the supply
...... two short-term tenders for the supply of LNG for the month of November and for the month of December this year have already been published.
Bulgaria will export electricity to North Macedonia This became clear
...... the Belene NPP as well, provided that it is completed. After his meeting with Prime Minister Donev Kovachevski, he also met with President Rumen Radev.
In relation to the claims of former Prime Minister Kiril
...... the Bulgarian winter, he stated. Petkov is currently preparing his pre-election campaign, together with Asen Vasilev and other former MPs from "We continue the change".
We need gas supply at as low a price as
...... ministers of Greece and Romania are expected to arrive in our country. The overall development of the project is also to be discussed with them.
Commercial operation of the Greece Bulgaria Interconnector IGB should begin on
...... at Turkish LNG terminals. At the moment, an opinion from the Turkish side is awaited as to whether this is possible and in what terms.
Fashion Supply даде старт на своята дългосрочна стратегия за растеж
...... да публикува финансовите си резултати и да затвърди прогнозите в инвестиционната си стратегия. Дружеството планира отново да направи опит за публично предлагане през следващата година.
Fashion Supply ще направи нов опит да излезе на пазара
...... подробности по сделката", каза Димитър Стойков.Материалът не е препоръка за вземане на инвестиционно решение. Целия разговор може да гледате в сайта на Bloomberg TV Bulgaria.
Fashion Supply даде начало на дългосрочната си стратегия за растеж
...... си резултати и да затвърди прогнозите в инвестиционната си стратегия. Дружеството планира отново да направи опит за публично предлагане през следващата година.Повече за компанията вижте
Неуспехът на Fashion Supply при първоначалното листване на BEAM няма
...... кредитна история, всяка финансова институция е готова да застане зад вас“, категоричен е той.Целия разговор може да гледате във видеото.Всички гости на предаването "Бизнес старт" може да гледате
IPO то на Fashion Supply премина без успех Записаните акции се
...... повече на годишна база. Нетната печалба е за 33 хил. лева при 53 хил. лева година по-рано, като намалява с почти 38% на годишна база.
Без успех премина първичното публично предлагане на модната компания Фешън
...... по-специално Нидерландия и Англия. Сред клиентите на дружеството са модните къщи MS Mode, The Sting, Miss Etam, Terranova и други, за които шие на ишлеме.
Без успех премина първичното публично предлагане на модната компания Fashion
...... директор на БФБ.Борсата допусна до търговия временна емисия акции, издадена от Fashion Supply с цел осъществяване на първично публично предлагане на 651 000 бр. акции.
Без успех премина първичното публично предлагане на модната компания Fashion
...... на БФБ. Борсата допусна до търговия временна емисия акции, издадена от Fashion Supply с цел осъществяване на първично публично предлагане на 651 000 бр. акции.