Някои от мумиите идват с маски, изработени от резбовано дърво

Някои от мумиите идват с маски, изработени от резбовано дърво
Коментари Харесай

Над 70 древни мумии с фалшиви глави, открити в Перу

Някои от мумиите идват с маски, направени от резбовано дърво и керамика, върху по този начин наречените „ подправени глави “, предопределени да придадат на мъртвите действително наличие като they moved to the “world of the ancestors, ” say researchers from the University of Warsaw.

Mummified bundles uneathed in the recent dig also came wrapped in fabric and rope, some of which were also colourful.

The deceased were believed to move to the realm of their ancestors under the condition that “family members did their duty and prepared the deceased to continue living, ” researchers noted.

“This duty to ensure the continuity of life after life to one’s immediate ancestors was taken very seriously, ” they said.

Near the mummified remains, archaeologists also discovered two wooden staffs with images of dignitaries of the Wari Empire.

These staffs were found in a layer that was covered with fragments of spiny oyster shells which archarologists suspect were likely imported from mo...

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