Order - Новини

Resigned Minister of Energy Rumen Radev said that at the

Resigned Minister of Energy Rumen Radev said that at the


... provide a competent expert assessment. Rumen Radev also said that the Anti-Corruption Commission has been referred to the allegations of corrupt practices in the project.

Движението на автомобили временно беше спряно над Кримския мост съобщиха

Движението на автомобили временно беше спряно над Кримския мост съобщиха


... Вие можете да допринесете за нашия стремеж към истината, неприкривана от финансови зависимости. Можете да помогнете единственият поръчител на съдържание да сте вие – читателите.

In his first set of orders issued on May 14

In his first set of orders issued on May 14


... (people 60 and over; having any underlying conditions; serious clinical presentation; impossibility to self-isolate), it applied to any confirmed positive coronavirus infection, including asymptomatic patients.