... the legally established timeframe. I have no intention of hiding, the man with the largest closed drug greenhouse in Burgas in recent years told the court
Construction - Новини
Experts and analysts in the construction sector have repeatedly predicted
...... turn could affect the price for the end buyer," says Petar Sotirov.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent IolovAI artificial intelligence Bulgarian artificial intelligence Bulgarian construction construction sector
The Bulgarian government has sent the Republic of North Macedonia
...... ready to start negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia on the proposed texts as soon as possible, after which to proceed with its signing.
It is no coincidence that this advertisement is above a
...... mince pies. Traditions endure and are passed on to the next generation.” Bozhanov: During my time in the MEG, no irregularities were found by the Audit Office!
A specialized horizontal drilling rig American Augers DD600
...... that arrive from abroad, the company insists on the comprehensive preparation of its teams, which undergo specialized training outside of Bulgaria.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
In addition to highways tunnels roads energy projects tourist zones
...... жестока обида към властите в Хаити: Тотални кретени! 23 Nov 9:39 0 1596 The Green Octopus Extends Its Tentacles Again 21 Nov 13:02 0 273
In addition to highways tunnels roads energy projects tourist zones
...... It is unfortunate that this much-needed project, along with many others, will not proceed due to the private financial and political interests of the greens.
In addition to highways tunnels roads energy projects tourist zones
...... It is unfortunate that this much-needed project, along with many others, will not proceed due to the private financial and political interests of the greens.
Three companies have launched the construction of one of the
...... a period of 12 years.The VPPA is a financial contract used to secure renewable energy without the physical transmission of electricity.Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov
Westinghouse Electric Company announced the signing of an additional agreement
...... and the United States. By the end of this decade, 18 nuclear power units with AP1000® technology are expected to enter final commercial operation worldwide.
The Anti Corruption Fund showed a map with the exact location
...... river ravines, on agricultural land, on municipal and private properties. Burgas residents propose underground parking under Borisova Garden instead of a multi-story one at Krasnodar Market
After the signing of the agreement with the United States
...... region. The implementation of the project will contribute to the improvement of the electricity transmission infrastructure and energy security in the countries of South-Eastern Europe.
The Ministry of Innovation and Growth is financing the construction
...... the projects, after the Council of Ministers approved the bank`s new strategy, which allows it to support public investments implemented with national and European funds.
There is a conceptual solution for the route of the
...... financing of the public procurement was not secured at the time of opening the procedure. Atanasov to Radev: Is it true that snipers are guarding Borisov?
ESCO Bulgaria has started the construction of a third photovoltaic
...... field of renewable energy sources, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and industrial systems. The company is owned by "Sintetika" AD. More information at:
Frame FB Archeology Bulgaria The remains of a giant were
...... and possibly the cause of the couple’s death. An interesting detail is that each of them was buried with a coin just below the chin.
The acting Minister of Regional Development Violeta Koritarova dismissed the
...... maintenance activities of the republican road network on the territory of Varna and Dobrich regions. Yasen Yordanov remained in his post for only 10 months.
It is expected to be announced on 15 April whether
...... interest and the right to a life safe for our health! The fight against the garbage incineration plant next to the village of Varbovka continues!“
Illegal construction of the mother of the politician Delyan Dobrev
...... trampled to the detriment of interested citizens and in favor of a person directly related to a politician from the largest parliamentary party in Bulgaria.”
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works provides a
...... dates of invoices, dates of payment, as well as what payments were made during the entire period of tunnel construction " Railway" on AM "Struma".
Министерството на околната среда на Британска Колумбия казва че проект
...... провинцията сигнализира, че B.C. правителството е избрало индустрията за изкопаеми горива пред данъкоплатците, които ще бъдат засегнати от растящите цени и влошаването на климатичните промени.
According to municipal councillors Mariyan Ivanov and Victoria Varbanova the
...... of the party in the local will keep the Municipality of Burgas familiarizing the public with what the funds are spent on when submitting projects.
Постигнато е решение в спор между акционерите в Walls Construction
...... McSorley Investments в начин, който беше „несправедлив и потиснически“.Изслушвайки в понеделник, че случаят е приключен, г-н съдия Макдоналд поздрави страните за постигането на ранно решение.
Georgi Velev Kozloduy NPP New Capacities EAD has started
...... areas within the meaning of the Law on Protected Areas, as well as within the boundaries of protected areas of the Natura 2000 ecological network.
Необходима е предложена схема за дялово участие за Walls Construction
...... на McSorley Investments по начин, който е „несправедлив и потиснически“. Той обаче каза, че ищецът вярва, че може да се постигне „разумно решение“ между страните.
The seventh unit of the Kozloduy NPP should be ready
...... revealed that he had alerted the competent authorities about this. "In the Council of Ministers are the real people who benefited Putin`s regime," he said.
The South Korean company Hyundai Engineering Construction Co is
...... continue the selection of companies and whether it will reach an agreement with the South Korean company for the construction of the new nuclear units.
Южнокорейската компания Hyundai Engineering Construction Co е единствена останала
...... Българският енергиен холдинг да прецени как да продължи избора на компании и дали ще постигне споразумение с южнокорейската фирма за изграждането на новите ядрени блокове.
Седми блок на АЕЦ Козлодуй би трябвало да е готов
...... интереси у нас. Депутатът разкри, че е сигнализирал компетентните органи за това. "В Министерски съвет са истинските хора, които облагодетелствали режима на Путин", заяви той.
Седми блок на АЕЦ Козлодуй би трябвало да е готов
...... интереси у нас. Депутатът разкри, че е сигнализирал компетентните органи за това. "В Министерски съвет са истинските хора, които облагодетелствали режима на Путин", заяви той.
Citizens are planning a protest against the construction of a
...... some ownership. They sold it again with unclear procedures,“, the organizer of the protest was adamant. Then he stressed: „The whole case is riddled with corruption!“
The Ministry of Innovation and Growth MIG will support the
...... regionally focused, the hubs will be able to support companies from all over the country, as well as any European companies that seek their help.
Kozloduy NPP begins the procedure for selecting an EPC contractor
...... the applicants. The deadline for expressing interest in participating in the procedure is February 2 at 5 p.m. Bulgarian time. Proposals are accepted in English.
Construction output on a monthly basis in October increased by
...... cent) and Belgium (-3.5 per cent). The largest growth in construction output was observed in Romania (+9.2 percent), Spain (+8.3 percent) and Poland (+7.5 percent).
The Bulgarian Energy Holding BEH should increase the capital of
...... project and the beginning of the negotiations with banking institutions with a view to attracting the necessary funds", says the report of the energy commission.
Anyone who can afford it would rather buy a house This
...... more and more unaffordable for people. At the same time, the construction of new cooperatives continues, and the number of uninhabited properties is also high.
The removal of NEC as a public supplier is a
...... is approximately twice as much as now," explained Tsachev. However, one should not forget how important energy efficiency measures are and their improvement over time.
The complex has not been subject to an ecological assessment
...... few remaining wild corners along our coastline will be built on, and very soon, with the permission of the "great fighter" against reconstruction, Toma Belev.
At an official ceremony today the construction of the Tenevo
...... Bulgaria, Hungary, the Republic of North Macedonia and Romania, and more than 1 GW of capacity is in an advanced phase of development and construction.
Китайската строителна компания CITIC Construction приключи в събота изграждането на
...... дарения за нуждаещи се семейства по време на свещения месец Рамадан, изграждане на противопожарни прегради и помощ при наводнения, се казва в изявление на компанията.
The intergovernmental agreement between the USA and Bulgaria cooperation in
...... green hydrogen. Emphasis was placed on the possibilities for technological transfers as well as for investment interest and for the realization of possible public-private partnerships.
To build a photovoltaic park in just 9 months and
...... efficient technologies at the moment. This will increase the profitability of the solar park located on the slope of the mountain of the same name.
The further large scale penetration of renewable energy sources RES in
...... form of green hydrogen, according to ESA, the only option for green hydrogen production in our region is through renewable energy sources and nuclear plants.
I met with the protesters today The protest remains unclear
...... would have had a much bigger problem. Everything that can be done within the framework of the law, we do it," Ivan Shishkov also said.
The lack of construction discipline over the past ten years
...... municipality is, the more problems there are with finding staff. He pointed out that in Sofia, for example, there is a shortage of road engineers.
Bulgartransgaz EAD and COCA YU JES DRILLING CHIREN will sign
...... Rosen Hristov, representatives of the project contractor, international companies from the United States of America and Kazakhstan, as well as the Mining and Geological University.
Energy Minister Rosen Hristov and Bulgatransgaz CEO Vladimir Malinov will
...... last year it was agreed that the capacity, which was initially reserved by Bulgaria, would be increased from 500 million to 1 billion cubic meters.
The Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov and the executive director
...... to be completed before the start of the next heating season. The pipes are already being laid in parallel on the Bulgarian and Serbian sides.
From October 2022 carrying out any activities related to the
...... Bansko near Simitli and the inclusion in the highway south of the city of Kresna (Kresnen gorge and its adjacent territories, included in Lot 3.2.).
Bulgarian companies can apply for financing under an open procedure
...... of pilot projects for green hydrogen and biogas. "I think this is a step in the right direction," concluded the Minister of Innovation and Growth.