The ecologist Toma Belev, famous for his conservation causes and

The ecologist Toma Belev, famous for his conservation causes and
Коментари Харесай

The head of the green octopus in Bulgaria gets a government job

The ecologist Toma Belev, famous for his conservation causes and numerous high-budget projects for seemingly pointless activities, such as counting birds and dolphins, will become deputy minister. He will be on the team of Borislav Sandov at the Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW) to the dismay of hundreds of investors who have had hard collisions with him in the past.

His nomination has already been discussed with Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who has given a “green” light for the appointment, according to the 24 Hours newspaper. Toma Belev is the ex-director of Vitosha Natural Park; he was dismissed after entering a conflict with the investor in the ski zone. Currently he is a municipal councilor from the quota of Democratic Bulgaria in Sofia.

The other deputy minister will be Dimitar Kumanov, founder and activist of Balkanika and an avid supporter of the construction of hydroelectric power plants on rivers.

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