Remote work has proven not only to be a successfully

Remote work has proven not only to be a successfully
Коментари Харесай

Plovdiv is among the most affordable places in Europe for remote work

Remote work has proven not only to be a successfully applicable model during various crises but also an increasingly popular and mainstream trend. Telecommuting allows employees to perform their duties from anywhere on the globe without having to be in the office or wasting time in cumbersome commutes.

British office electronics supplier Brother UK has researched the cheapest and most expensive European cities for remote work. In its ranking for the most affordable destination to work remotely, Bulgaria has found a spot with the city of Plovdiv, which ranks fourth with a score of 66.60 out of 100 possible.
The cheapest destinations for remote work
Factors such as Wi-Fi speed, cost of housing rentals, electricity bills, as well as the safety of the location were analyzed. Each destination could receive a maximum of 100 points from the remote workers who participated in the compilation of the survey.

The rent for a one-room apartment in the center of Plovdiv is around 320 euros. Basic household bills amount to around 75 euros and internet is approximately 12 euros. A meal out costs only about 8 euros, the authors of the study note.

Number one in the ranking for the most affordable cities in Europe for telecommuting is the city of Tuzla, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city center costs only about 207 euros per month, and eating out is extremely cheap - the average price is 4.13 dollars.

Sarajevo, the country`s charming capital, also makes the list, taking 10th place.
And which are the most expensive?
At the other end of the spectrum – the most expensive cities to work remotely – number one is Zurich, Switzerland`s largest city. The average rent for a two-room apartment is around 2,576 euros. A meal for one person eating out costs approximately 26 euros.

The study also sought to find an answer to one more question: Which are the most unfavorable cities for remote work? It turns out that the top spot is claimed by Athens, Greece. Apparently, three out of five spots in this unfavorable indicator are occupied by Greek cities - Athens, Patras and Thessaloniki. The conclusions are again made based on factors such as Wi-Fi speed, cost of housing rents, electricity bills, as well as the safety of the city.

Translated by Tzvetozar Vincent Iolov

