This is not an emotional outburst, this is systematic, slow,

This is not an emotional outburst, this is systematic, slow,
Коментари Харесай

Darik International: News from generated with AI

This is not an emotional outburst, this is systematic, slow, cold-blooded and immeasurably cruel damage to the human body, he said

obecause the court does not understand bodily harm to a person, it appoints specialists. Any doctor can assess a person`s health. The forensic doctor`s job is to describe in detail the injuries, what they have resulted in and whether they are life-threatening to the victim. " This is what Dr Miroslav Nenkov explained to BNT when asked how a forensic medical examination is created.

" I purely humanly cannot understand the decision of the lady in the Stara Zagora court, because, assuming that she sees before her an expert report which says that there is no threat to the victim`s life, the multitude of injuries made by a person who has a criminal past is something that is potentially dangerous for society, " Dr Nenkov was adamant.

" I don`t know if any of us realise how long it takes to make 20 cuts. This is not an emotional outburst, this is systematic, slow, cold-blooded and immensely cruel damage to the human body. This man has no place even in our sick society, " he said.

" The inscription `freedom or death` on the forearm next to a drawing of a spider`s web on the elbow is an entire dissertation on the psychology of this `brave man` with the shaved eyebrows, " said Dr Nenkov.

" In uncivilized societies like ours, bodily integrity is a kind of empty talk, a kind of `genderism`. No one has the right to violate anyone`s bodily integrity under any conditions, " he said.

" Dear girls and boys, " Dr. Nenkov addressed the viewers, " after the first blow, there is always another one. The first blow in a relationship is a sign for you to end that relationship in a flash at whatever cost. "

And was adamant that alone or alone with a child is better than shorn with 20 cuts.

