The war is beginning to smell of a Soviet Union.

The war is beginning to smell of a Soviet Union.
Коментари Харесай

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The war is beginning to smell of a " Soviet Union. " North Korea needs grain, so it will supply Russia with weapons, he said

" There`s a channel of communication between Washington and Moscow, between the CIA and Russian foreign intelligence, when American dignitaries visit Kiev, they don`t get bombed. " This is what Alexander Levy, author of the SVODKA Telegram channel and editor at the Courier Internationale, Paris, said on Darik Radio`s " Who`s Talking? "

The need for financial support for Ukraine

Alexander Levy stressed the need for financial support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. The SVODKA author noted, " Kiev needs funds. In a year and a half the Russian army has fortified itself on 3 lines of defense, and Ukraine is now the most mined country, surrounded by mines everywhere. "

Levy commented, " Many men are avoiding compulsory military service, this will sooner or later be a big problem for Ukraine. It`s hard to judge the men who shirked patriotic duty - many of the men who decided not to fight for their country send financial aid to the state. " He stressed the importance of moral support and solidarity in the war effort.

The author of SVODKA noted the importance of fighting corruption in the country and the motivation of soldiers, " Ukraine has a corruption problem, soon it will start to lack soldiers compared to Russia, which has enough people who volunteer to participate in the war. There is nothing worse than a soldier sent to the front by force. There`s nothing better than motivated soldiers fighting for their country. "

" Ukraine had a corruption problem, they needed this replacement, they needed a new approach. Oleksiy Reznikov was not a military man, he was replaced by Crimean Tatar Rustem Umerov, who could be described as `incorruptible`. Russia deported him and his family from the USSR to Uzbekistan. He is a man who has shown his talents as a diplomat and financier, " he added.

Levy viewed the dynamic between Russia and North Korea as an important factor in world politics: " The war is beginning to smack of a `Soviet Union.` North Korea needs grain, so it will supply Russia with weapons. "

SVODKA`s author comments, " Ukraine tends to overexpose these types of incidents, while Balkan countries minimize such problems. " He shares his opinion on the importance of properly assessing incidents and responding to them.

He analyzed the position of Bulgarian President Rumen Radev in the context of global events. " Radev is looking for an electorate in Bulgaria, leaning on parties like `Renaissance`, he definitely has his own political accounts, " concluded the editor at the Courier International, Paris.

