The Specialized Court ruled innocent this Sunday publisher Ivo Prokopiev,

The Specialized Court ruled innocent this Sunday publisher Ivo Prokopiev,
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Specialized Court rules defendants innocent in trial for EVN privatization

The Specialized Court ruled innocent this Sunday publisher Ivo Prokopiev, former Economy Minister Traycho Traykov, former Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov and three stock brokers for the privatization of the power distribution company EVN in 2011.

According to the prosecutors’ case the six inflicted damages to the state budget for 20 million leva with the deal to sell the state’s 33% minority share of EVN. The deal was made through the stock exchange and the decision for it was the Council of Ministers’. The prosecutors claim that the six conspired to take the price of the shares down artificially.

In more specific terms, the prosecutors’ case claimed Ivo Prokopiev, as member of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation expressed an opinion in favor of privatization. Which essentially meant he voiced a view in this forum, whose purpose is for participants to do just that.

Prokopiev in addition influenced Simeon Dyankov’s views on the matter privately as well, prosecutors argued. Traycho Traykov’s participation in the alleged crime stems from the fact that as Economy Minister the deal is closed with his signature. But, the decision is not his – it is the Council’s. The three brokers in the list of defendants work for Prokopiev in one of his companies – BlueBrokers.

The case made international headlines for its apparent lack of real case of evidence of any crime. As Ivo Prokopiev is the co-publisher of Capital Weekly and – news outlets critical of those in power – it seemed obvious the trial is retaliatory and has no real legal merit.

