Protests in support of the 18-year-old girl from Stara Zagora,

Protests in support of the 18-year-old girl from Stara Zagora,
Коментари Харесай

Darik International: Highlights from generated with AI

Protests in support of the 18-year-old girl from Stara Zagora, who was mutilated in a particularly cruel way with a mock knife all over her body by her 26-year-old boyfriend, are taking place across the country. People came out to the courthouses in their city at the same time. They said there should be urgent legislative changes.

The space in front of the courthouse in Sofia was filled with people who were there in support of the injured 18-year-old girl and her family. Protesters are demanding justice and some are even calling on lawmakers to end their recess to make changes to the penal code so that such tragedies do not happen again.

Over a thousand people gathered in Varna for a protest under the slogan " No to violence against women! ". The demonstration was held in front of the Courthouse on Independence Square. In addition to Varna, a number of other Bulgarian cities are holding protest marches.

The march in Burgas: " No " to violence! " Yes " to justice! " The courts and prosecutors must do their duty, not only when there are cases in the public interest. If there is dangerous, unhealthy behaviour, how can we rely on justice to ensure safety for us and our children? " said the OCBG, who initiated the march.

Around 500 Pleven residents, including many young people and families, gathered at 18:00 in front of the Courthouse in Pleven as part of the national protest against violence against women.

Thousands turned out in Plovdiv in support of 18-year-old Deborah
They raised posters " No more ", " Where did you hide Themis ", " Life sentence for the sadist " and demanded a change in the way the judiciary functions in Bulgaria.They held placards " No more ", " Where did you hide the Themis ", " Life sentence for the sadist " and demanded a change in the way the judiciary functions in Bulgaria.

This is about urgent changes that I hope will be adopted in the Penal Code. The lack of justice is one of the main problems in our society, and we know that every nation builds its foundations on the basis of its laws. And when this justice is shaken or does not exist, statehood ceases to function. "

This is what Violeta Ieremieva, the regional governor of Pleven, who joined the protest, told Darik Radio.

