I resigned from the Military Hospital because I was forbidden

I resigned from the Military Hospital because I was forbidden
Коментари Харесай

Darik International: Highlights from darik.bg generated with AI

I resigned from the Military Hospital because I was forbidden to express my opinion " - said on the air of Darik Café the former Minister of Health and anesthesiologist Dr. Miroslav Nenkov.

" I deprived myself of that so that I could have the right to say that our president looks like a Russian general, that Prime Minister Borissov is a manipulator, that the prosecutor general is a weak actor - things that I think, " Dr Nenkov further said.

He said the Academy`s leadership believes that his interviews and positions on topical issues damage the institution`s image. Dr. Nenkov is adamant that he did not violate the internal rules of the hospitalbecause he expressed his personal opinion in off-hours and always protected the Academy`s authority.

Hear more in his regular column in Darik Cafe " Health Talk with Dr. Nenkov " every Friday after the news at 7.30.
Източник: darik.bg

