From the start of this year, people who can`t pay

From the start of this year, people who can`t pay
Коментари Харесай

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From the start of this year, people who can`t pay their debts and have their pension or wages garnished will now have different amounts withheld. The reason is the increase in the minimum wage in our country, adopted in the last days of last year by the caretaker government. According to the decision from January 1, 2023, the minimum wage became 780 levs compared to 710 levs before.

However, in addition to increasing the incomes of people with the lowest wages, it also affects the amounts that can be withheld from our pension or monthly salary.If a worker or pensioner receives monthly between the minimum wage or 780 levs and twice its amount - 1,560 levs, then deductions are made to him in the amount of one third of the income, if he has no children, and one quarter, if there are those who it lasts. For example, if a worker or pensioner receives, after taxes and insurance, only 1,000 levs, the minimum wage for the country or 780 levs is deducted, leaving the sum of 220 levs. If there are no children, a third or nearly 66 levs is deducted from it, and if there are children – a quarter or 55 levs.

With a person`s income between twice the amount of the minimum wage and four times its amount, or to put it more simply, under the current parameters - if the convicted debtor receives between 1,560 levs and 3,120 levs per month, it will be divided by half of the amount above the minimum wage, if any children she supports, or by one-third if she has none.

There will also be a change in the amount withheld for very high earners who earn more than four times the minimum wage. Deductions are then made on the upper limit above two times the minimum wage if the person has no dependent children, and on the upper limit above two and a half times the minimum wage if there are any. According to the Civil Procedure Code, enforcement can only be directed against pensions and wages with a monthly amount above the minimum wage, ie, deductions cannot be made from lower pensions and wages.

In addition, social pensions, maternity and hospital benefits, child benefits, as well as any other type of social payments are non-sequestable. To them were added the sums reimbursed by the employers to their workers and employees who used tax benefits for children, incl. and for children with disabilities. At the end of the year, MPs adopted changes to the Personal Income Tax Act, which stipulate that child tax credits cannot be seized and ceased to repay debts to the state. However, when you receive all these payments by bank transfer to one account, the bailiff has no way of knowing what the proceeds in that account come from. Thus a problem arises. In this case, it is necessary to present a statement from the debtor`s bank account from several months back, which shows the basis of the amounts received in the debtor`s bank account.

The European Parliament started a procedure to lift the immunity of two more of its members on Monday. The request comes from the Belgian authorities and is related to the investigation into suspicions of corruption and lobbying in the European Parliament, known as Qatargate, Free Europe reports.

" Following a request from the Belgian judicial authorities, I have started an urgent procedure to lift the immunity of two members of the European Parliament, " EP President Roberta Metsola wrote on Twitter. " No one will go unpunished, " she added.

Metsola will announce the request to lift immunity in plenary at the earliest opportunity, which is expected to be on January 16. The request will then be forwarded to the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) to prepare a proposal for a decision.

The EP announcement does not reveal the names of the two MEPs whose immunity will be lifted. According to Reuters and France Press sources, these are the Belgian Marc Tarabella and the Italian Andrea Cozzolino. Both are part of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group.


