Deutsche Welle: CEM - when the media regulator itself needs

Deutsche Welle: CEM - when the media regulator itself needs
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" Deutsche Welle: CEM - when the media regulator itself needs regulation

Is the presidential-Gerber majority in the CEM cracking, asks Veselin Stoynev

" The chairwoman of the Council for Electronic Media, Sonya Momchilova, has already become inconvenient for GERB. The deputy chairman of the parliamentary Culture and Media Committee Toma Bikov called on her to resign as head of the media regulator. Until now, the largest parliamentary party GERB was not moved by her outrageous statements such as the denial of the massacre in Bucha. However, it seems that the Euro-Atlantic image of Borissov`s party is also beginning to suffer serious damage from Momchilova`s endless expression of her `personal opinion`, " Deutsche Welle writes.

" Not that she is not entitled to one. But as the face of media regulation, she should be a benchmark for legal and ethical democratic standards for the media environment in our country, not subvert them herself and encourage propaganda and fake news - never mind that she likes to talk about the danger of it. Moreover, there should be at least some quantitative balance between the expressions of personal opinion and the positions of the entire CEM body. "

" The media regulator in its current composition has not been very successful in regulating the electronic media in the face of the enormous increase in pro-Putin propaganda and hybrid attacks. And it cannot be, because two of its five members - Sonya Momchilova and Gabriela Naplatanova - were appointed to it by President Radev, who is himself a mouthpiece for this propaganda. And not once did he take into account the numerous protests by citizens, NGOs and diplomatic missions against the statements of the chairwoman of the CEM ".

" The presidential ladies form a majority in the CEM together with GERB envoy Galina Georgieva, with whose vote Momchilova was elected for a new one-year term as chairwoman. Again with her vote, the demand of Prolet Velkova and Simona Veleva, nominated by Democratic Bulgaria, for Momchilova`s resignation because of her statement about Bucha was thwarted. "

" It remains to be seen whether Toma Bikov`s offensive will lead to Georgieva`s withdrawal from the presidential-Gerber majority in the CEM. Or will GERB really prepare a new Law on Radio and Television, in the need of which Bikov was increasingly convinced - a law " to take into account the current challenges both for the media and for the media regulator ". "

" Will this law look for another power arrangement of the members of the media regulator beyond the current one - three from parliament, two from the president? It is unlikely to move towards greater self-regulation, and the CEM cannot become the SJC. Moreover, given the state the media has been brought to in the last decade, self-regulation is almost a chimera. Has the guild so far managed to fight off the likes of Iliana Benovska, who brazenly occupy every possible microphone at briefings to make mostly personal statements instead of asking questions? Exactly which ethical body can sanction Benovska for her brutal abuse of her journalistic status and tell Ukrainian President Zelensky at the press conference in the Council of Ministers - unclear on whose behalf - that he is not welcome in our country? "

" When the guild cannot regulate itself, the appetite of the authorities to regulate it grows. And that narrows media freedom even more. Such is the case with Finance Minister Assen Vassilev, who introduced unprecedented and humiliating requirements for media accreditation for briefings at the ministry. In this way, he seems to aim to get rid not only of the likes of Benovska, but also of others who might ask him meaningful but unwanted questions. "

