Citizens were outraged by obscene photos of Deputy Mayor in

Citizens were outraged by obscene photos of Deputy Mayor in
Коментари Харесай

Citizens alerted Mayor of Sredets village with obscene photos on a monument

Citizens were outraged by obscene photos of Deputy Mayor in the village of Svetlina , Sredets Municipality, Ivan Airyanov . The reason for their sharp reaction is how Airyanov was half-naked with his pants off at a monument, which is currently a monument to Aleko Konstantinov . People told :

“Enjoy a monument to stupidity, arrogance, vulgarity, mediocrity, ignorance, cynicism and all their derivatives. How to determine – comedy or tragedy!? This is probably the subject’s election campaign to be re-elected to the same office. ”

The order for the appointment of Deputy Mayor of the village of Svetlina Ivan Airyanov was signed by Mayor of Sredets Municipality , Ivan Zhabov , who is from GERB. Airyanov graduated from the „ Nikola Vaptsarov “ mechanization high school in Sredets, and subsequently studied at the „ Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov “. He speaks English fluently. He studied to be a pilot at the Varna Air Force.

We remind you that in 2015, Airyanov was nominated as a candidate for mayor of the village of Svetlina by the Bulgarian Democratic Center /BDC/, but he did not gather enough support. At the last vote in the village, they did not have the right to directly elect a mayor , and then he was appointed by Zhabov.

However, local residents asked themselves : Was the mayor of Sredets aware of Ivan Airyanov’s previous actions, and if he knew, why did he entrust him with this post?

The team asked Ivan Airyanov himself for a comment on the provocative photos. He said:

„ When the photos were taken, I was not the Deputy Mayor because they were taken 10 years ago. It was a piece of concrete at the time, not as now speculated to be a monument. I did it because my friends did it too, but they didn’t take pictures of them, they only took pictures of me. I don’t deny that I did it and I don’t regret it. Every year the same pre-election tricks and photos are used. “

„ I am currently from GERB, the mayor of Sredets Municipality as well, as I get support from them. I will now stand for election again and the results will show whether the local residents are satisfied with what I have done so far. The pay for this post is ridiculous, I have to work a second job to support myself. It is not right for the mayor to take less money than the cleaning lady in the town hall, as the responsibility is great, “ , Airyanov pointed out.

The Deputy Mayor of the village of Svetlina sent to our editorial office a part of what was done during his administration. Some of the steps include reconstruction of streets, renovation of a bus stop, replacement of street lights, and maintenance of municipal buildings. The funds to accomplish these goals came from municipal money and donations.

However, people also raised the issue of stray dogs in the village. They stated that Airyanov, through his acquaintances, drugs and disposes of neutered dogs in the forest , which often roam around the village. Locals believe:

„ His guru Ivan Zhabov, Mayor of the Sredets municipality, is known for his actions – cats and dogs are killed in a particularly cruel way. Airyanov, for his part, uses social networks to turn the public against stray animals and certain residents of the village of Svetlina. What did he win? – Media „ fame “, meeting with the mayor of Burgas, Prosecutor’s Office, inspection of the company he works for, theft, violence to a vertebrate animal, defamation, lying, incitement and all violations under the Constitution. This will not stop if the responsible institutions do not deserve their monthly labor remuneration. “

On this occasion, local residents are demanding that Zhabov remove Ivan Ayryanov from this post because of the disappearance of several freely released and neutered animals of a resident of the village.

The Deputy Mayor commented on the case, stressing that he called a municipal company to take the dogs to a shelter because they were let loose on the street. According to him, he also loves animals very much and would not hurt them intentionally .

„ I have made commitments and promises that I have to fulfill to the people of the village, then I will decide whether to retire or continue. “ But no one sees the good things, “, Ivan Airyanov pointed out to .


