According to the former appeal prosecutor of Plovdiv, control authorities

According to the former appeal prosecutor of Plovdiv, control authorities
Коментари Харесай

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According to the former appeal prosecutor of Plovdiv, control authorities should be able to sanction directly on the road

" A society that is fully ripe to accept new reforms, but in the end nothing happens. " This is how Rosen Dimov, a former Plovdiv appellate prosecutor, described the situation in Bulgaria in the " Who Speaks? " programme on Darik radio, when asked why we so often witness serious accidents with victims.

He pointed out that safety is the sum of three components - the state of the road, the drivers (their training, mental state and discipline) and the control exercised by the specialised authorities.

" My opinion is that there must be penalties and the inevitability of these penalties. Without effective control, without the fastest possible imposition of penalties, nothing will happen, " Rosen Dimov said.

He expressed the opinion that a comprehensive reform should be made in this particular sector because, in his words, people who are abroad see that things are different there because they have different systems for imposing punishments. " This is the truth - we have to decide what to criminalise. For example, dangerous driving is criminalised in many places. "

According to Rosen Dimov, control authorities should be able to sanction directly on the road.

" A drunk who puts himself in that position, knowing what he is doing, deserves a far higher punishment. What we call it is not so important, the important thing is that the punishment is serious and irrevocable, " Rosen Dimov is adamant.

He also commented on the " Semerdzhiev " case, saying that in this situation nothing surprises him. " This is an emanation of the irresponsible attitude and disregard for any legal rules, " said Rosen Dimov.

